— Conegliano Valdobbiadene


28 April 2017

(IT) La Farnesina incontra: il Ministro Alfano nel Conegliano Valdobbiadene

farnesina incontra conegliano valdobbiadene

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24 April 2017

Wildlife and biodiversity


“The possibility that a species has to find an environment depends on the same ecological network that has been woven into a particular environment, …. and it will be the very presence of a species which enables others to live there.” So it is claimed by the foremost experts on biodiversity. The concept of course […]

18 April 2017

Flavors from the Meadows

Isolated wild asparagus

Rust and Peverel, s’ciopet and pissacàn, sparasi selvadeghi and bruscandoi. No, this is not the recipe of an ancient magical potion (but could also be, as we will see later) but a partial list of wild plants that can be found in the fields and meadows of the Trevisan area in springtime, which since time […]